Students must turn in ALL cell phones to the first period teacher each day - No Exceptions. If the student needs to make a call during the day or receive a message from home, this will all be done in the school office on the office phone.
Community Christian School is pleased to offer a computer lab and internet access to our students for the sole purpose of furthering their education through the use of the information highway – the internet. With privilege comes rules, and we must be mindful of the responsibility of each student to use the internet wisely, politely, and positively both at our school and in their home.
While at school the students will be supervised during electronics use and may only access the internet with express permission of an instructor. Abuse of any kind of the privilege will result in the immediate removal from internet access at CCS.
Social Media at home is just as important. Students should be aware at all times of what they post and the reflection it has on them, their parents and their school’s reputation. Therefore, CCS will hold each student accountable for social media etiquette both at school and home. We are to be a light to others at ALL times and our students should represent that inside and outside of the school setting.
Students and parents will be given the opportunity to participate internet safety convocations, as it is important for students to be aware of safety guidelines for their protection as internet users.
JUPITER Grading System:
CCS uses the Jupiter grading system for both grading and communication with students and parents. All parents should have an individual user name and password to access your child's information. You are highly encouraged to go in to watch the tutorial for this program. You will be able to see real time if your child is missing assignments, turning things in late, day to day grades, personal email from staff, disciplinary issues and classroom calendars that shows due dates of projects, assignments and any special events. You can even set up text message alerts to receive various messages.
In addition, Jupiter will be required for your child to use in classes to hold them accountable for their own grades, messages, missing assignments, etc. This gives them access to the classroom calendar, there is never a reason to not know what is due and when! It will also require them to have a DIFFERENT user name and password than yours. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT YOU DO NOT SHARE YOUR USER NAME AND PASSWORD WITH YOUR CHILD. Messages or alerts may be sent to parents that aren’t necessarily to be shared with the student. This will allow them full access to grades from all classes.
YOUTUBE: In our Drama Programs, we will be using YouTube to practice and learn various skits. Therefore, students will be able to use YouTube, from home, for extra practice with your permission. In school, students are only allowed to search for preapproved skits, solely for Drama practice. Any violation is immediate removal of the student from the Drama Team and complete removal from the computer access privilege, at school, for the semester.
Personal Electronic Devices:
Students will be allowed to bring in personal electronic devices to use in class, according to CCS Handbook Guidelines. ALL personal electronics are to be turned off and turned in first thing in the morning to the 1st period teacher and will only be allowed to be used with direct verbal approval from a teacher. There is zero tolerance for gaming violations, internet violations, etc. according to the CCS Student Handbook and this Student Usage Policy. There will also be a zero electronics sharing policy. If your child brings in their electronic device, it is for their use only. They should never be sharing with another student, for security reasons, possible breakage, etc. CCS is not responsible for lost, stolen or broken electronic devices. Should there be any of these violations, the student’s electronic device will be confiscated and turned into the office for you, as the parent, to pick up. This is such a privilege and with privilege comes responsibility.
Internet Usage:
Computer Lab and Classroom internet access will be such a blessing in our learning process this year. Our student’s need to have the capability to learn to type and to learn to do research. CCS wants students to know how to properly utilize this tool, while accepting the responsibility that comes with it. History searches will be done frequently on the computers to hold students accountable. Any violation will result in immediate and complete removal from computer access privilege, at school, for the semester. Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and all other social media sights are absolutely prohibited at school! These sights are to be used in a social setting, not a learning environment. Even though these are the student’s personal pages and sites. If there is anything that is posted that would bring a negative light to our school, the student themselves, a staff member or another student. The student will be removed from all extra activities, including filed trips and sports teams. It will be at the director’s discretion if they are removed from activities such as field trips, programs or sporting events, or if other disciplinary action needs to be taken. Any violation will result in immediate and complete removal from computer access privilege, at school, for the semester.
Specifically, phones are not to be carried or kept in the possession of any student during the school day. Any student found to be carrying a phone will have the phone removed and detained in the office until the end of the semester.
Student Statement:
I acknowledge that, by using an electronic device in any class, I must abide by ALL school policies regarding the usage of electronics in the classroom. The electronic device must be turned off and turned in to the 1st period teacher at the beginning of the day, to be used only with direct verbal approval from a teacher. Electronics of all types, personal and school property, will be monitored during all classes. Students may then collect their device before leaving school at the end of the day. If a student fails to comply with the rules regarding the use of the electronic device, it will be confiscated by a teacher or the director and the parent/guardian will be notified to pick it up in the school office. IT WILL NOT BE RELEASED TO THE STUDENT. The director will also be made aware of its misuse. For students who keep their electronic device on their person or in their locker, the device will be sent to the office for the remainder of the semester, if found that it was not turned in to the first period teacher. No Exceptions.
Community Christian School is striving to meet the needs of parents and students in implementing a fair, yet comfortable dress code. We recognize that children need to be able to move freely in order to learn, but neatness does not have to be sacrificed for this to happen.
As we are to be a reflection of Godly principles, the following dress code is to meet all areas of education. Please take note that Wednesday is Chapel day and students will be required to dress appropriately for this occasion each week.
Slacks: Khaki’s, cargo pants, walking shorts (no more than 3 inches above the knee) any color is acceptable – no jeans
Skirts: All skirts must be no higher that 3 inches above the knee. No front opening walking slits please
Shirts: Plain t-shirts – no screen print unless it is witness wear. Patterns are acceptable and appropriate logo shirts.
Monday,Tuesday,Thursday, Friday –
Jean and T-shirt days (appropriate writing only) Tennis shoes required for P.E. days.
Jeans – no excessively faded or holes. They must be worn on the hips.
NO SPANDEX/LEGGINGS/SKIN TIGHT PANTS are to be worn without a long fit shirt - Discretionary judgement will be used by CCS Staff to determine appropriateness of tight fitting garments. Shirts that cover below the pocket area are required.
Cargo / shorts – boy or girl – to the knee
Capri pants –prints are acceptable
Hats – fashion beanie hats are acceptable – no billed hats allowed
No thin/spaghetti strap tops, pajama pants or hats to be worn in class
No undergarments showing
Athletic/swishy pants may be worn on P.E. days ONLY but must be a suitable fit
Shoes –
Grades 1-5:
Closed toe – no flip flops
Middle School/High School:
Flip flops, August - October, and After Spring Break Only
* Parents, please check your children as they leave for school to make sure they are appropriately attired, including weather appropriate. Children will not be permitted to go outside for recess without gloves and hats on cold weather days.
Parents will be called to provide clothing for any dress code deemed inappropriate for an educational setting. Anything that distracts from learning is inappropriate.